Accomplishments - 2020/2021


Boys 2 Men School Mentoring Program


After School & SummerMentoring Program


Community Support Service Centers


8 out of 10 boys (Mentees) have fewer ISS (in school suspensions) and OSS (out of school suspensions) than the last school year

8 former Mentees have graduated from High School and are living productive adult lives either in the military, college, trade school, or working

50% of mentees are maintaining and improving grades

60% of mentees are exhibiting improved conduct in school

The program is getting very positive reviews from Teach for America, the school principal, vice-principal, guidance counselor, and dean of students


Mentors are developing relationships with Mentees based on trust and respect

Developed 3 community service projects that included providing cleanup for the residents of a local community

Parents of most of the Mentees are reporting improved behavior at home

All the boys attended 1 hour Mentoring Sessions twice a month

All the boys and some of their parents attended 30 minute Bible Study Sessions and/or correspondence Bible Studies twice a month

Most of the boys and some family members had worship services conducted in their homes or attended worship services at a local congregation at least once a month


We have helped family members respond to foreclosure notices

We have helped several family members get into programs at Life Improvement Centers

We are offering a 12-week "Faith & Finance" education program for low income, single parent heads of household in our communities

We are offering a 14-week "Strengthening the Family" program for low income, single parent families in our communities

We are offering a 12-week "Work Life" program for low income, single parent heads of household in our communities

We are providing Allies/Mentors for single parent heads of household in our communities

The above programs and workshops as well as others will be on-going. The purpose of these workshops are to help the participants become self sufficient while helping the families to bond and be strenghtened


Accomplishments - 2016/2017

Boys 2 Men Mentoring Program   After School & SummerMentoring Program   Community Support Service Centers

Developed a community service project that included providing lunch for the residents of a local community

The boys established a project management team to manage the community lunch project

The boys separated into committees to plan, organize and take the actions necessary to make the project happen

Each committee and its members were given a budget to manage

The boys and their Mentors purchased all the food, condiments, and paper supplies

The boys grilled the hotdogs and hamburgers for the luncheon (their parents cooked the baked beans and potato salad)

The boys seated and served those that came to the community luncheon

13 out of 26 boys (Mentees) have fewer ISS (in school suspensions) and OSS (out of school suspensions) than the last school year

50% of mentees are maintaining and improving grades

60% of mentees are exhibiting improved conduct in school

80% of Mentees are participating in the mentoring lessons and discussions

Mentors are developing relationships with Mentees based on trust and respect

The program is getting very positive reviews from Teach for America, the school principal, vice-principal, guidance counselor, and dean of students

School is planning to add more at-risk students to program next school year

Parents of some of the Mentees are reporting improved behavior at home

We have helped family members respond to foreclosure notices
We have help several family members get into programs at Life Improvement Centers
We are offering a 12-week "Faith & Finance" education program for low income, single parent heads of household in our communities
We are offering a 14-week "Strengthening the Family"  program for low income, single parent families in our communities 
We are offering a 12-week "Work Life" program for low income, single parent heads of household in our communities
We are providing Allies/Mentors for single parent heads of household in our communities
The above programs and workshops as well as others will be on-going. The purpose of these workshops are to help the participants become self sufficient while helping the families to bond and be strenghtened